Contact Garry Devlin at 951.768.0880 Just because we moved from Brazelton Hall, doens't mean there won't be fireworks in our future. This is our biggest fundraiser of the year and helps sustain our charity fund and numerous community projects throughout the year. This year we are staging our booth at 2500 North Del Rosa Ave, just south of our old location by the 210 freeway, but now we are on the corner of Pumalo and Del Rosa Avenues. Some may remember this is the site of the former Arrowhead Credit Union, and it now is a Dental Clinic. The lot is big and well suited for our operation. It should be comfortable, and as usual there will be plenty of fun, snacks, refresments and FLC from your Brother Native Sons. Any amount of help would be appreciated. It's a big operation, and Brother Devlin, along with his sister Sherry Devlin are spearheading it. They are already stuffing info bags, gathering signs, plotting and planning on a smooth, successful operation. But we need your help. Any amount of time would be helpful. Purchasing your fireworks from our booth would even be better. The Fireworks will be arriving the morning of June 30th, and we will need plenty of help unloading boxes and boxes of fire fireworks. After a fire inspection we will be permited to sell from July 1st to July 4th. Although as in the last few years, we usually sell out prior to the 4th. We will start setting up June 29th with professional security on site. In addition the property has the added feature of a tall security fence. We need multipe volunteers on June 30th to help unload the truck and load in our fireworks stand and to set up. In addition we also need helping staffing the booth on the following dates and the shifts below... Saturday, July 1, 2023 Sunday, Jule 2, 2023 Monday July 3rd, 2023 Tuesday, July 4th. 2023
Upcoming Events.....PUT THESE DATES ON YOUR CALENDAR NOW AND PLEASE TRY TO ATTEND! $2 Taco Tuesday TUESDAY, JULY 11TH AT 5:30 PM Informal meet-up with your brothers at Taylor's Bar and Grill, 26787 Barton Rd., Redlands 92373 Must be 21 - This is an historic site-1926 built as Mission Ice Co. and Ice Creamery. 1934 - Became Taylor's Bar and Grill. Could this be a dedication site? Come check it out! TUESDAY, JULY 11TH AT 5:30 PM No reservations necessary. Thanks _______________________________________________ OFFICERS' PLANNING MEETING Sunday, July 16 at 3:00 p.m. at our Parlor - 320 North E Street, Plaza Level All brothers are welcome to attend to establish a calendar of Parlor activities for the next 6 months. All New and Old Officers plan on attending. _________________________________________________ July 20 - Arrowhead Parlor's Gala & 136th Anniversary Dinner RSVP Today...This is going to be great! Bingo, Cocktails Appetizers, Dinner, Dessert, and Dancing! TEXT to RSVP (909) 810-6102 (See home page for more details) ______________________________________________________ July 26 - Regular General Meeting The Enterprise Building - 320 North "E" St. Dinner 6 pm Meeting 7 pm Plaza Level - John Andreson Room. _______________________________________ Thursday, August 3rd Brothers at the Ballpark NSGW Brothers, family and friends at San Manuel Stadium, San Bernardino Inland Empire 66'ers take on the San Jose Giants. $30 per person includes BBQ Dinner on the 3rd base patio, base level seats. Oh, yeah, and it's "Thirsty Thursday" ALL ARE WELCOME AT THIS FAMILY-FRIENDLY EVENT call or text (909) 810-6102 _______________________________________ PRESIDENT'S HISTORY TEA Sunday, August 13, 2023 3:30 PM History Presentation Arrowhead Parlor - John Andreson Room - Plaza Level Enterprise Building 320 North E Street, San Bernardino Tea, Coffee, and Patries No Charge - Open to the public. Bring your friends and family. ENJOY YOUR SUMMER IN FLC!
The NSGW Arrowhead Parlor elections and officer installations will take place at our Regular meeing June 28th, 2023 at 7 pm at our new home in the 96 year old, historic, Enterprise Building in San Bernardino.
320 North E Street in San Bernardino. It will either be on the 4th floor, or possbily in our new meeting space if construction is finished. (Enter off E Street in the parking garage next to the building. Park on the upper parking level just behind the building, and walk across the pedestrian bridge into the 2nd floor of the building). As usual, a catered dinner will be provided to members prior to the meeting at 6:00 PM. The regular meeting will commence and be called to order by out going President Tim Prince. Nominations were opened at our last meeting and will close with the opportunity to nominate additional candidates for each office at the meeting on June 28th. Thus far the nominees for 2023-24 Parlor Officers are as follows.... President Mark Westwood 1st Vice President Gill Navaro Sherry Livingston 2nd Vice President Emilee Penn 3rd Vice President Sam Works Marshall Chris Leon Inside Sentinel Kyle Carigan Outside Sentinel Cris Shaunessy Trustees Vince Lasiter Jim Smith Alan Stanly After any additional nominations are received, balloting will take place. Upon the results, the new officers will be immediatley sworn in by District Deputy Steve Fessel of the Santa Ana Parlor. The new President will take the gavel, adjourn the meeting, and we will have a desert reception immediately following. We hope to see you there... 6/3/2022 0 Comments 2022 - 2023 Officers.....Elected June 1, 2022
NSGW 110 OFFICERS July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023 President – Tim Price (909) 725-8474 1st Vice President – Mark Westwood (909) 810-6102 2nd Vice President – Gil Navarro (909) 246-4133 3rd Vice President – Emmili Penn Marshal – Mia Norris (909) 567-4525 Inside Sentinel – Richard McInnis Outside Sentinel – Patrick Jewett Recording Secretary : Garry Devlin (951) 798-0880 Financial Secretary – Barbara Kimball (909) 862-7973 Treasurer - Kevin Anderson (951) 830-6060 Trustees Chris Leon (909) 790-3914 Vince Laster (909) 882-2215 Sherry Livingston (909) 875-2090 6/1/2022 0 Comments Get Your Lucky Calendars....Contact Garry Devlin (951) 783-0889Support the Cleft Palate Fund and Get Lucky!Welcome to the 2022 NSGW calendar. This year, along with full color photos of interesting places in California, we have addedsome tidbits of historic information that we think you will find interesting
Native Sons of the Golden WestHow to get your lucky calendars
Make checks payable to; NSGW Grand Parlor Mail check and stub to; NSGW Lucky Calendar P.O. Box 528 San Miguel, Ca. 93451 365 daily cash prizes Drawings:
Drawing Rules